A few weeks ago I sent a couple emails about the new Sanctioned Houseless Camp. If was the first email sent to our list since 2021… It was about time!

We found many businesses are ready to start networking again with other local businesses. We can’t do anything exciting without a full Board and committed membership, but that doesn’t mean we can’t at least connect as a group for discussions and organizing our thoughts and plans for the future.


Friday, April 21st

@ Rose City Coffee
3370 SE Milwaukie Ave

(RSVP would be helpful: greaterbrooklynba@gmail.com)

Drop in and have a beverage, a snack, or a full lunch with fellow business owners in the neighborhood

Like many organizations, the GBBA lost our momentum in 2020, and the memberships that we had built up from previous years. Currently, the GBBA doesn’t have any active Board Members other than myself as President and Janet Bartholomew as Treasurer, and the two of us have been just maintaining a holding pattern since early 2020 when the group went on hiatus. Many of our businesses, both established and newer, have asked over the past year or so if we are going to restart the GBBA back up.

We will not be asking for membership dues/renewals at this time, we will figure that out once we have a new fully functioning Board. We are looking forward to rebuilding a successful Business Association and seeing all of you very soon!!

If you are interested in helping build the GBBA back up again, contact me, because anyone and everyone out there can help. If you have any general questions about the GBBA, ask me.