Letter from the Greater Brooklyn Business Association

THANK YOU to all the business representatives that attended our first networking meetup last Friday! We had a great showing of support for restarting the GBBA and I am so happy to have a great group of businesses ready to make it happen.

On Friday, we decided to set up casual Monthly Meetups for now. These will be Happy Hours on the first Wednesdays of odd months, and coffee chats in the mornings on the first Fridays of even months. Hopefully each business can make at least one of those happen?

We are still looking for 2-3 more potential Board members to get this organization “officially” started and working on some important items that effect us all. No prerequisite is required to be a board member, just the interest in getting more involved in your community and the willingness to put in a 1-2 hours every other week at this time, time will reduce as we get settled in.


Wednesday, May 3rd

4 pm-6 pm

Drop in and have a beverage and a snack and meet some of your fellow businesses in the neighborhood.

@ Hip Chicks Do Wine
4510 SE 23rd Ave
(RSVP would be helpful)

Like many organizations, the GBBA lost our momentum in 2020, and the memberships that we had built up from previous years. Currently, the GBBA doesn’t have any active Board Members other than myself as President and Janet Bartholomew as Treasurer, and the two of us have been just maintaining a holding pattern since early 2020 when the group went on hiatus. Many of our businesses, both established and newer, have asked over the past year or so if we are going to restart the GBBA back up.

We will not be asking for membership dues/renewals at this time, we will figure that out once we have a new fully functioning Board. We are looking forward to rebuilding a successful Business Association and seeing all of you very soon!!